
Our man Trent Digmore does Frontier a solid

Trent Digmore It's pretty clear that desk agents in Las Vegas are stealing from the company based on an interaction my houseguest had today. That is all.
LikeReply18 hrsEdited
Frontier Airlines We appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Please email us details so we can share this with the management team. Stealing is never okay. http://spr.ly/6187BbDQB
Contact Frontier today. Talk to an agent to book a low fare or get information about all your flying needs.
LikeReply7 hrs
Trent Digmore If you don't think stealing is okay, you should check out your Yelp reviews sometime.

Anyway, figure out what charges are discretionary on the gate agent's part, and why the cost might suddenly double when the customer produces a credit card instead of cash. Good luck!
LikeReply7 hrs
Frontier Airlines No charges are discretionary....the fees are posted on our website, if not paid, the airport will collect them at the airport. Since it was your "houseguest" that flew with us, please share my request to email us with them so we can add it to our email to the station manager for further investigation. We don't accept cash and if fees are paid at the gate instead of online, they're more and increase more at the gate. ^KH
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Trent Digmore You may not accept cash, but you have gate agents who do. After the treatment my friend encountered, he has little interest in helping you guys, but I thought I'd do the right thing and bring it to your attention.

I'm curious about the quotation marks you put around "houseguest." Do these not exist in your part of the country?
LikeReply7 hrs
Frontier Airlines Just quoting your words. Thanks for letting us know. Your information is very vague, but has been shared with the management team in LAS. ^KH
LikeReply7 hrs
Trent Digmore My pleasure, good luck.

p.s. And for the record, I'm not having sex with my houseguest if that's what you were implying.
LikeReply7 hrsEdited

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Nailed it

Twitter (X) : To be fair, though, I thought they'd come up with someone more appealing than Cackles Harris.