
Mockumentaries, Mockureality.....Mockunews???

One of the greatest rock movies of all time is This is Spinal Tap. The trio of Michael McKean, Christopher Guest, and Harry Shearer made up the fake band Spinal Tap. They really struck a chord with rockers because the film is so close to reality, as you can see in this blurb:

This is Spinal Tap was the first in a series of brilliant "mockumentaries" by Christopher Guest including Waiting for Guffman, Best in Show and A Mighty Wind. They all are fake documentaries and very much mimic reality according to those who participate in the activities being lampooned.

I haven't found a connection or any credits yet, but I ask, is Christopher Guest now consulting for CNN? It appears that they are truly a "mockunews" organization. They care little for the tenets of free press as illustrated here at Zerohedge. The CNN producer had this exchange with a real journalist from Project Veritas:
PV Journalist: Why is CNN constantly like "Russia this, Russia that?"

Bonifield: Because it's ratings. Our ratings are incredible right now.

My boss, I shouldn't say this, my boss yesterday we were having a discussion about this dental shoot and he was like I just want you to know what we're up against here. Just to give you some context, President Trump pulled out of the climate accords. For a day and a half we covered the climate accords. And the CEO of CNN [Jeff Zucker] said in our internal meeting, he said good job everybody covering the climate accords, but we're done with it. Let's get back to Russia.

But all the nice cutesy little ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school, you're just like, that's adorable. That's adorable. This is a business.

Ethics in journalism is adorable?!? Is CNN the next brilliant step in the mocku-entertainment movement? Zerohedge states it well in their opening line in another post on this topic:

Last week, CNN's "anonymous sources" finally came home to roost when the entertainment channel was forced to retract one of its "bombshell" Russian collusion stories, when it was apparently revealed that the whole thing was nothing more than CNN's latest, anonymously-sourced fake news debacle.

I am at loss to name my favorite mocku-entertainment character. Is it Nigel Tufnel, Gerry Fleck, or Wolf Blitzer???


From the Bowels of the Puget Sound

This video of snowflake students at Evergeen State College is some kind of crazy.  And my goodness is Dr. George Bridges, the college president, the opposite of a leader. 

I'd just like to ask the logically challenged snowflakes at Evergreen State what happens when their right to freedom of speech is taken away?
This is a really, really well stated rebuttal to the morons at Evergreen State:


Survivor bias at work

Ever notice how some mutual fund companies have surprisingly good performance in most or all of their mutual funds?

Here's how it's done.

Janus Fund? What's that? Never heard of it!

Janus Twenty? Sorry, can't help ya.


American Terrorist

I'm not sure I see a difference between this horrible person, a D list failure:

And this horrible person in black:
A failure comic shows OUR president's head cut off and bloody.  Tell you what, Colin Kaepernick kneeling down doesn't seem all that unpatriotic after this.
I encourage Kathy Griffin to leave the country and give up her citizenship.  She's obviously completely un-American. 

And dear Kathy, please don't visit my neck of the wood anytime soon, or ever.  That's Pennsylvania.  We don't take kindly to traitors and terrorist as they do in Hollywood, California, or maybe Van Nuys as your case may be.      

Inauguration Day

 Joe Biden right now listening to Trump talk about ending government censorship and the weaponization of justice: