
California 50th District

There are a lot of interesting races next week, but the one I'm most interested in is the 50th Congressional District in northern San Diego County. This is the race to replace convicted bribe-taker Randy "Duke" Cunningham.

It's a heavily Republican district, but the polls are even. The Republican candidate is Washington lobbyist and former Congressman Brian Bilbray. He's a weak candidate, but in a normal year, Democrats wouldn't have a chance at this district. The Democrat in the race is Francine Busby, who recently made headlines encouraging illegal aliens to help her campaign.

If Busby wins, it's an indication of a bloodbath for Republicans in November.

I'll go out on a limb here and predict a Bilbray victory.

P.S. Check out Busby's lying weasel explanation at the end of the story. She was talking about teenagers, not illegal aliens!

“I was clarifying the question that was being asked in Spanish and then stated that you do not have to be a registered voter to help the campaign because there were many people who appeared to be to be under 18 in the group who wanted to volunteer,” she said in a statement.

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