
Romney speech at Al Smith dinner

Wow. Well done.

John McCain had the stench of loser on him from miles away. Romney has anything but.

HT: Shane Atwell.


Anonymous said...

Almost Reaganesque.....

Doo Doo Econ said...

Amazingly done!

Anonymous said...

Romney is a piece of shit that should get hit by a bus for even faking that hes a govenor

W.C. Varones said...

That guy ^^^^ was from Canada, by the way.

I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice.

Anonymous said...

If only his policy writers were as good as hit joke writers...

SarahB said...

It was nice to see him show a little bit of his driven CEO persona come out in the form of very agressive hits. We've all wanted someone to say those things out loud for a loooooong time.

It was also interesting that Obama sounded good on the radio, but when you SEE the delivery he just sucks balls.

Charlie McDanger said...

I like LongOrShort's call: "Recommendation: Long Romney. Investors in Romney’s Initial Presidential Offering bought in at a price of Likely President; the sell-side threw out consensus targets of Two-term President as soon as publishing began. That’s the past — those investors’ portfolios have so much red in them, they look like the punchline of a Kermit-in-a-blender joke. And it’s ridiculous to project that Romney will ever trade up to President. But his fundamentals are so strong that there is a floor in how badly he can trade; we still think he can bounce back to Yeah, You Can Kinda Imagine Him Having Been President."

Inauguration Day

 Joe Biden right now listening to Trump talk about ending government censorship and the weaponization of justice: