
Romney speech at Al Smith dinner

Wow. Well done.

John McCain had the stench of loser on him from miles away. Romney has anything but.

HT: Shane Atwell.


Anonymous said...

Almost Reaganesque.....

Doo Doo Econ said...

Amazingly done!

Anonymous said...

Romney is a piece of shit that should get hit by a bus for even faking that hes a govenor

W.C. Varones said...

That guy ^^^^ was from Canada, by the way.

I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice.

Anonymous said...

If only his policy writers were as good as hit joke writers...

SarahB said...

It was nice to see him show a little bit of his driven CEO persona come out in the form of very agressive hits. We've all wanted someone to say those things out loud for a loooooong time.

It was also interesting that Obama sounded good on the radio, but when you SEE the delivery he just sucks balls.

Charlie McDanger said...

I like LongOrShort's call: "Recommendation: Long Romney. Investors in Romney’s Initial Presidential Offering bought in at a price of Likely President; the sell-side threw out consensus targets of Two-term President as soon as publishing began. That’s the past — those investors’ portfolios have so much red in them, they look like the punchline of a Kermit-in-a-blender joke. And it’s ridiculous to project that Romney will ever trade up to President. But his fundamentals are so strong that there is a floor in how badly he can trade; we still think he can bounce back to Yeah, You Can Kinda Imagine Him Having Been President."

Nailed it

Twitter (X) : To be fair, though, I thought they'd come up with someone more appealing than Cackles Harris.