
Varones Voters' Guide to the California Election

Here's how I'm voting. Disagree? I'm open to other ideas -- and I love a debate.

Prop 1A - Yes.
Dedicates gas tax revenue to its originally intended purpose: transportation improvement. Duh.

Prop 1B - No. Bonds to burden future generations with debt.

Prop 1C - No. Bonds to burden future generations with debt.

Prop 1D - No. Bonds to burden future generations with debt.

Prop 1E - No. Bonds to burden future generations with debt.

Prop 83 - No. GPS monitoring of sex offenders is a good idea; defining sex offenders as anyone who does anything "lewd" or "lascivious" is dangerous. Consensual sex in a public place? Hanging a B.A.? A 19-year-old having sex with his 17-year-old girlfriend? A clear line should be drawn before we tar all of these people as sex offenders for life.

Prop 84 - No. Bonds to burden future generations with debt.

Prop 85 - Yes. You can't give them an aspirin without parental approval, but you can give them an abortion without even notification? So some jerk high school jock can pressure his girlfriend into getting an abortion without talking to her parents?

Prop 86 - No. This one is tough. The evil teachers' unions are against it, the Democrats are against it. But the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. It's a huge, bad tobacco tax.

Prop 87 - No. Want to pay $5 per gallon for gas to fund a bunch of egghead bureaucrats?

Prop 88 - No. More property taxes to fund the bureaucratic and incompetent education establishment. What, $11,000 per student per year isn't enough? You really think another $500 will help these idiots teach children any better?

Prop 89 - No. Tax money to pay for political ads for politicians. Brilliant!

Prop 90 - Yes. Prevents Kelo-style eminent domain abuse.

Governor - Art Olivier. If this were even close, I'd vote for Schwarzenegger. But Angelides is such a pathetic candidate that Arnie will win in a landslide. So have some fun with your vote: vote for crack & hookers with the Libertarian Party.

Lt. Governor - Tom McClintock. This guy is awesome. He is a true fiscal conservative, rare in California politics. His opponent is jackass John Garamendi, who screwed small investors in favor of a huge French bank in the great Executive Life ripoff.

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"Democracy" may not be on the ballot, but freedom of speech certainly is

This idiot was actually a high school teacher, indoctrinating kids with these Orwellian lies : Walz making an alarming and false claim: &quo...