
Veterans' Day 2011

Happy Veterans' Day. And a big thanks to all the veterans and active duty military people out there.

Let's thank and support the troops by bringing them home and ending Obama's military adventurism.


Anonymous said...

I'm no Obama fan, but this is a cheap shot...

"Obama's military adventurism."

Anonymous said...

I'm no Obama fan, but this is a cheap shot...

"Obama's military adventurism."

W.C. Varones said...

Libya? Uganda?

Whose military adventurism is that if not Obama's?

Independent Accountant said...

It's all George Bush's fault.


Old Zeke said...

In the sense that Obama is on a road that Bush paved, it sort of is.

I'm not sure a corrupt two-party system is much better than a corrupt one-party system.

Anonymous said...

One man
One vote

W.C. Varones said...

You're suggesting it all went wrong when we let chicks vote?

Anonymous said...

Ike gave fair warning. We didn't listen then and we don't listen now. Obama is just carrying on the family tradition. Thanks, you just gave the necessary brain fart for my next post. You rock WC (even if you do take below the belt punches at Barry).

W.C. Varones said...

Ike was a plagiarist.

He got it from Gen. Smedley Butler (HT: IA).

Butler's short book "War is a Racket" can be read free online here.

Anonymous said...

now you're splitting hairs, dear.

Anonymous said...

you can watch the speech right here.

Anonymous said...

so, we've been warned in writing and via television by two individuals who were professional soldiers and we still go around the globe looking to play world cop.... why would that be???? Hmmm, to use a Greenspan phrase "It's a conundrum".

Anonymous said...

...could it be that we like throwing our weight around and telling other people what to do and when to do it and have for many many years????

Independent Accountant said...

About four years ago I came to a conclusion which surprised even me: that letting women vote was a mistake. I still feel that way. If this makes me an atavism, so be it.


W.C. Varones said...


It's undeniable that women's voting patterns demonstrate a widespread failure to understand both the Constitution and economics.

Perhaps the evolutionary nurturing instinct is so strong that it overcomes all logic and makes them want a giant, loving government to take care of everyone.

Still, I know many women whose reason does not fail. The leaders of the San Diego Tea Party are all strong, smart women, for example.

Taking away women's votes would very likely improve electoral outcomes, but that's a dangerous ends-justify-the-means path to go down.

Nailed it!

July 5 :