
Lieberman: Communist China Can Shut Down Internet. We Need to Have That Power, Too.

"Right now, China's goverment can disconnect its internet in the case of war. We need to have that [power] here, too." - Joe Lieberman

Gee, why haven't the American people given that power to its Federal Government? Oh yeah. It's because we're not Communists here. Oh, wait...apparently, even though we're not Communists, we are represented by them. The FCC is set to vote this month on passing Net Neutrality regulations for the internet, giving our government more control over the internet than it's ever had. They tried to pass this bill through Congress, but even the radicals in Congress couldn't get enough votes for it. So Obama, true to his "ends justify the means" approach to Socializing our nation, simply moved the issue into the realm of the unelected, unaccountable FCC regulatory committee, where they will be free to impose these new internet "Laws" on us as they call them mere "Regulations". You see, to the American Idol-watching public, "Regulations" are nothing to fear. And heck, why not get the government more involved in the internet, right? What could possibly go wrong?


SarahB said...

I just choked on my breakfast

kliguy38 said...

Watta piece of dog chit this scumbag is WC....

lakecabs said...

This is what Wikileaks crises is all about.

Just an excuse to take one more freedom away.

Negocios Loucos said...

...We think we're safe at home with our bumper stickers saying 'just say no'.
We give up a few freedoms here and there in the name of a squeaky clean America.
Now they've got us hypnotized and hysterical screaming for blood and justice.
Now they've got us hypnotized and hysterical.
They show us the faces of hatred over and over again. A new one every week.
Pro Choice, no choice, we're sending our sons and daughters to their slaughter.

Anonymous said...

hell, why stop at control of the internet? other countries have secret police and death squads, so we should too!! right?

can't be falling behind the commies or the hajis in the all-important 'death squad' gap....

Inauguration Day

 Joe Biden right now listening to Trump talk about ending government censorship and the weaponization of justice: