
Travel Note - Nudie Scanner

I just went on a cross country trip with 50 or so professional colleagues. Now we had arabic folks in our group; we had mafia looking folks in our group; we had ugly folks in our group; and we even had folks that I'd consider a little sketchy myself if I didn't know them personnally in our group. And in all I only heard of 1 instance of the nudie scan being employed. It was on the hottest girl in our group.

Of course if I were a Soviet TSA worker working on a machine that's only purpose was to show nudie pictures of travelers, a machine that had no terrorist prevention attributes whatsoever, she'd be my only choice as well.

Well done comrades!

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Nailed it

Twitter (X) : To be fair, though, I thought they'd come up with someone more appealing than Cackles Harris.