
Deadbeat, broke-ass San Diego GOP skips out on rent, shacks up with Chairman Tony Krvaric

Temple of Mut does some further research on a story first reported by John Lamb in the City Beat.

Click on over to Temple of Mut for the gory details, but the San Diego GOP abandoned its headquarters, broke its lease, left a complete mess behind, and relocated, conveniently, to the private business office of GOP chairman Tony Krvaric.

Sounds like Krvaric had a little expensive extra office space he needed to sublease, doesn't it? Must be nice to be able to bail yourself out with party resources.

If the incompetence and lack of results wasn't enough to get you to abandon the San Diego GOP, how about self-dealing?

Google StreetView image of Krvaric/GOP headquarters. For Lease indeed!


SarahB said...

The title alone has made my day!

Mutnodjmet said...

W.C.: Thanks for the link, and I will keep you apprised of the developments. You have to check out B-daddy's piece on the SD Rostra -- the comments from the friends of Tony are priceless:


Mutnodjmet said...

PS. WC -- I think the comments from the elite Republicans are well worth a good look, as they seem to trivialize Tea Party efforts. Let me know what you think.

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