Someday the mountain might get him but the law never will
what the hell are you talking about. Gay people have always had the right to serve there country. The only difference is that they will get the crap beat out of them in public instead of private. Marine Corp DIs will have a lot of fun now.
I've come a long way on this issue from being opposed to it to simply not caring, and isn't that the ultimate in acceptance and tolerance?
*their country
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Joe Biden right now listening to Trump talk about ending government censorship and the weaponization of justice:
what the hell are you talking about. Gay people have always had the right to serve there country. The only difference is that they will get the crap beat out of them in public instead of private. Marine Corp DIs will have a lot of fun now.
I've come a long way on this issue from being opposed to it to simply not caring, and isn't that the ultimate in acceptance and tolerance?
*their country
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