
A public health message from your friends at W.C. Varones

Ernest Borgnine, who recently passed away at the age of 95 and was looking fit as a fiddle well past 90, several years ago explained his secret to longevity:

Now you can argue all day about whether that's scientifically valid or not...but do you really want to take your chances?  I don't.


John Enright said...

Hilarious. Thanks for posting that!

The Lazy Paperboy said...

Aye aye, skipper!

Anonymous said...

A public health message, or a pubic health message?

SarahB said...

The wisdome of elders.

Dean said...

Chances of completing bucket list looking more promising.

K T Cat said...

Hmm. So that's what helps those rural Japanese live so long ...

Inauguration Day

 Joe Biden right now listening to Trump talk about ending government censorship and the weaponization of justice: