
Three monkeys

Inflation? We don' see no steenkin' inflation!
Proctor & Gamble gave investors the earnings they expected but not the guidance they hoped for. The consumer-products company cautioned Tuesday that
mounting costs will crimp its margins next quarter.


In response to the rising costs, Procter & Gamble will raise price increases across its offerings. The move could throttle the company's sales. "With consumers now facing rising prices for many everyday items, this is cause for some concern, but given the strength of Procter & Gamble's brands, we think the company will succeed in passing through these price increases without sacrificing too much in the way of sales volume," said Morningstar analyst Lauren DeSanto.

Nope, no inflation here! Another 50 bps, please, Mr. Bernanke!

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Nailed it

Twitter (X) : To be fair, though, I thought they'd come up with someone more appealing than Cackles Harris.