
Greenspan's Body Count: Freddie Mac CFO David Kellerman

Even during Digital Detox week, Alan Greenspan's killing spree continued. The latest victim was an executive and 16-year veteran of FrankenDodd's monster, Freddie Mac:
Law enforcement sources said David Kellermann, acting chief financial officer of mortgage company Freddie Mac, was found hanging in the basement of his Vienna, Va., home, dead from an apparent suicide early this morning.


Kellermann, 41, and a 16-year veteran of Freddie Mac, had been the company's CFO since September, after a government takeover of the company following the housing crisis.

There are many possible reasons for Kellerman's despair, all of them at least partially attributable to Greenspan's bubble. He had lost a lot of money in Freddie Mac stock. He was being questioned in the Freddie Mac accounting scandal. He was receiving an $800,000+ bonus from a failed company receiving a massive bailout from the taxpayers, an outrage that caused him to be hounded by reporters and to hire security for his family.

More interestingly, Kellerman may have been a good guy caught in the great government bank cover-up. Like Ken Lewis before him, Kellerman was apparently bullied by regulators who didn't want him to fulfill his fiduciary obligations to investors lest the facts be inconvenient for Dear Leader:
He and a group of company attorneys tussled with its regulator in early March as the firm prepared to file its quarterly earnings report with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The group insisted that Freddie Mac inform shareholders of the cost to the company of helping carry out the Obama administration's housing recovery plan. The regulator urged the company not to do so, according to several sources familiar with the matter. An FHFA official contested that account, saying the regulator did not oppose disclosure but how the information was portrayed in the filing.
Unlike the coward and fool Ken Lewis, Kellerman prevailed and told the truth.

Greenspan's Body Count now stands at ninety-three:

David Kellerman

Christopher Wood
Francie Billotti-Wood
Chandler Wood
Gavin Wood
Fiona Wood
Gil Weber
Gregory Graham
Randolph Graham
David Kelley
Ramona woman
Del Mar man
Wayne "Mike" Anderson
Jeffrey M. Pearson
Ervin Antonio Lupoe
Ana Lupoe
Brittney Lupoe
Jaszmin Lupoe
Jassely Lupoe
Benjamin Lupoe
Christian Lupoe
Steven L. Good
Adolf Merckle
Mike Upham
Randy Motts
Kristy Hunt
Joseph Nesheiwat
Tom Brisch
Alex Widmer
Brian Pugh
Marilyn Lewis
Sid Agrawal
Kirk Stephenson
Barry Fox
Dallas Dwayne Carter
David Hetzel
Sharron Hetzel
Cliff Kendall
Pamela Ross
Roland Gore
Mrs. Gore
Wanda Dunn
Karthik Rajaram
Subasri Rajaram
Krishna Rajaram
Ganesha Rajaram
Arjuna Rajaram
Indra Ramasesham
Joe X
Isabelle Jarka
Robert Wagner
Lt. Michael Howe
John Roberts
Palmer C. White
Dianne Pittman White
Ed Boesen
Edwin F. Rachleff
Carlene Balderrama
Troy VanderStelt
Scott M. Coles
Dawn E. Armstrong
Thomas Lizotte
Jonathon Calvin "40-Cal" Jacques
Salvador X
Lupe X
Jade X
Little Boy X
Little Girl X
Kashmir Billon
Bill McMurtry

Lisa McMurtry
James Hahn
Raymond Donaca
Deanna Donaca
Michel Veillette
Nadya Ferrari-Veillette
Marguerite Veillette
Vincent Veillette
Mia Veillette
Jacob Veillette
Maurice Pereira
Natasha Pereira
Mark Achilli
Raed Al-Farah
Andrew Kissel
Rufus Shaw Jr.
Lynn Flint Shaw
Mr. Pierce
Walter Buczynksi
Marci Buczynski
Jason Washington

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