
Tookie the role model

Stanley "Tookie" Williams is about to do some bad drugs. Williams will take his final medicine on December 13 for his gruesome murders of a family at the motel he robbed and the clerk at the 7-11 he robbed.

The Hollywood set wants to spare "Tookie" because he's had a death row conversion, and is now publicly opposed to murder. How convenient! Tookie even writes children's books, and is said to have prevented hundreds of thousands of children from becoming gang members.

If he's such a good role model, why is his own son on the run from a charge of raping a 13-year-old girl at gunpoint, and why is another son serving 16 years for second-degree murder?

And what irony: two brothers were shot, one fatally, returning from the "Save Tookie" rally.

If you're going to be against capital punishment on principle (as I am), that's fine. But don't hold up this piece of garbage as your poster child.

1 comment:

XYBØRG said...

"If you're going to be against capital punishment on principle (as I am), that's fine. But don't hold up this piece of garbage as your poster child."

Well said.

Nailed it

Twitter (X) : To be fair, though, I thought they'd come up with someone more appealing than Cackles Harris.