
Prop 1A poll: LOSING!!!

A new poll shows the Taxinator's evil initiatives going down to defeat, with the only winner being the irrelevant Prop 1F. 1A is going down 40% to 49% with 11% undecided. And further poll questions show that the public is not being fooled by Schwarzenegger's web of lies:
More than 70 percent of likely voters agree that defeating the ballot measures would send a message to the governor and legislators "that voters are tired of more government spending and higher taxes," according to the poll.

"This is a pretty ominous poll for the governor's ballot measures," said Mark DiCamillo, director of the poll. "It's a message election. Even though voters know that a 'no' vote is not going to help things, they're still telling the politicians to deal with it."

It's too early to celebrate. Schwarzenegger's band of unions and Hollywood fatcats are spending millions on TV, radio, and print ads to fool the public. Spread the word: No on 1A. Or if it's easier to remember, No on all of them: NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO.

UPDATE: It gets better! 35-52.


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Nailed it

Twitter (X) : To be fair, though, I thought they'd come up with someone more appealing than Cackles Harris.