
A jaunt around town

A few photos from an afternoon stroll.

Cognitive dissonance: "War is not the answer, but I voted for the guy who is illegally bombing Libya without Congressional authorization and continuing the violent occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, and I'll vote for him again!" I think listening to the syrupy sirens of KPBS (an NPR affiliate) dulls critical thinking enough to get beyond foolish consistency.

Lagunitas Brewing salutes the Obama economy with their limited release:
"Wilco Tango Foxtrot. A Malty, Robust, Jobless Recovery Ale. We're not quite in the Red, or in the Black... ... Does that mean we're in the Brown?!" Indeed.

And this in a hippie shop: "Wake up America! Vote! for a change www.peaceroots.org" Double indeed.


SarahB said...

Naughty enviromentalist with their dark colored car. How often does this pinko drive to have their '08 bumper sticker still in good shape?

SarahB said...

I just noticed the beer is brewed in Petaluma...how the hell did something come out of the Bay Area that irreverent toward Chairman O?

Negocios Loucos said...

SarahB, there are a surprising amount of anti-Maobamians here in the Bay Area. The MSM does it's best to hide that but we're here and the folks at Lagunitas is a superior offering of enlightenment as well as taste.

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