
Spreckels mansion murder theory

In a mystery worthy of a detective novel, Rebecca Zahau (aka Rebecca Nalepa) was found nude, bound at the hands and feet, and hanging by the neck from a balcony on Wednesday at the famed Spreckels mansion on Coronado Island in San Diego.

Her boyfriend, the owner of the mansion, is a pharmaceutical CEO. The man's 6-year-old son was critically injured in a fall from the mansion's grand staircase on Monday.

Here's my theory for what happened. The ex-wife did it. She's already bitter at the girlfriend for supplanting her, and then her son is gravely injured while in the care of the supplanter. She's got the motive, and as a very wealthy woman, certainly has the means to hire a professional. Chicks don't just turn up hanging naked from balconies without somebody wanting them dead.


Anonymous said...

OMG, I have been saying the same exact thing since this all went down. I thnk the minute she was told Max was brain dead it was war. She took her husband away from her ,broke up the family and her son dies while in her care. The nude hanging was to humiliate her...

Anonymous said...

Wrong! The boyfriend did it. Rich dudes do not screw around. He left Rebecca home babysitting his kid & she probably wanted the kid out of the way. That night after the son was injured mysteriously, Rebecca was told to board her dog. The boyfriend was planning payback & needed that dog gone.

Jonah came over Tuesday night for some kinky sex with Rebecca. After tying her up, he slipped a rope over her neck & threw her over the balcony for his son's accident.

Here the worst part-this Jonah is rich enough to get away with it. He can pay off the right people-like the crooked D.A. and hire the best attorneys. Probably will beat any rap. This is a great summertime scandal for Coronado!

Anonymous said...

Check the divorce decree she left him due to abuse

Anonymous said...

The boyfriend did it, I agree. Her murder was revenge-driven and intended to humiliate as well. I believe she had something to do with the child's death and it was time for payback. She was living in the lap of luxury and didn't want the child around. Probably was going to move her family in there...

Anonymous said...

I think the wife did it as well - through a hit man of course. If you check the status of her relationship with Jonah - they both were blaming each other for abuse - verbal and physical. Jonah was married prior to Dinah and was in a relationship with Nalepa. Neither relationship were there any abuses mentioned or rumoured. Why just Dinah? It was for sure an insider - they knew the dog was not around to sneak in quitely and whoever hung her knew she mortified being seen in the nude publicly. I do not think Rebecca hurt Max, I do think it was an accident - his sister is the one that found him and called 911 - not Nalepa.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree, think ex-wife is responsible and hired a hit person to do it. She had the motive, she had the means, she has the temperament, she had access to the house (probably still had a key), lives down the street. Someone wanted to humiliate this poor woman in the worst possible way. The BF had no reason as according to reports was happy in the relationship and certainly would not do anything to jeopardize his business nor reputation. This was a crime of passion.

Anonymous said...

I have thought the ex wife did it all along. Doesn't matter that she was in the hospital. I'm sure she has far-reaching resources to have the job done for her. And, she definitely had motive. It will be very interesting to see how this unfolds.

Anonymous said...

It's elementary, my dear Watson. We don't need Sherlock Holmes to solve this age old love (and money) triangle. Certainly not FIFTEEN detectives! And a waste of taxpayer's money.

She did it.

Anonymous said...

When angry this man had a history of using his german shepard to attack his wife (love interest at the time). He isn't a nice person.
This was done by a sadistic male attempting to humiliate. It's an effort to deal with perceived impotence in relation to his son's death. CEO who can't handle not being "in control" of a situation. To regain control (deal with his powerlessness) he has to humiliate another.

Anonymous said...

Could have been an S/M relationship. Rebecca might have tied herself up obeying his instructions. She didn't realize how far he'd take it until too late.

The music was blarring hours before ...covering up something.

Not a suicide.

Anonymous said...

News conference yesterday still doesn't convince people except the guilty and incompetent ones. Oriental women may have affairs but they don't, DON'T undress themselves in public (maybe the porn stars) let alone commit suicide after undressing! Hey, how about the feet bound thing? How about letting a handwriting expert look at the 'painted message on the door'? How about bringing in the FBI for an impartial investigation?

Inauguration Day

 Joe Biden right now listening to Trump talk about ending government censorship and the weaponization of justice: