
A public health message from your friends at W.C. Varones

Ernest Borgnine, who recently passed away at the age of 95 and was looking fit as a fiddle well past 90, several years ago explained his secret to longevity:

Now you can argue all day about whether that's scientifically valid or not...but do you really want to take your chances?  I don't.


John Enright said...

Hilarious. Thanks for posting that!

The Lazy Paperboy said...

Aye aye, skipper!

Anonymous said...

A public health message, or a pubic health message?

SarahB said...

The wisdome of elders.

Dean said...

Chances of completing bucket list looking more promising.

K T Cat said...

Hmm. So that's what helps those rural Japanese live so long ...

Nailed it

Twitter (X) : To be fair, though, I thought they'd come up with someone more appealing than Cackles Harris.