
America chooses Socialism!

Good luck with that one. How's it working out for Greece?

Americans could be excused for voting for Obama in 2008. He promised post-partisanship and hope and change. Four years later, his record is consistent as an unabashed statist and central planner, and a Nixonian political thug.

There are a lot of factors behind America's shocking and sudden embrace of socialism: the media being completely in the tank for Obama; the teachers' unions indoctrinating the youth; the Democrats successfully creating a giant, permanent underclass of voters dependent on government handouts; the swing state of Virginia being tipped by wealthy government bureaucrats and lobbyists in the Washington D.C. suburbs...

But that's all water under the bridge. America has embraced socialism. And what's done will not be undone. A continuing expansion of the dependency state will create a permanent voting majority for more dependency. More crony capitalism will direct more wealth to the politically connected, who will in turn use that wealth to further entrench their benefactors. The PRI ran Mexico for 70 years with a patronage system like this, and their resources and pork were trivial compared to the US federal government's.

Once you're gone, you can never come back

America, you had a hell of a run.


Sic Ibid said...

This president appointed self-described communists to various positions in his administration and he got re-elected? What does that tell us about our citizens? Our own citizens have become socialists. How freedom might break through at this point is beyond me, but I'd be very glad if that happened. However, we'll very soon cross the tipping point where more people are taking from the government than paying into it, and then the GOP will be forced to increase their own offerings of entitlements to the voters, or else they'll lose more and more power. We might not even see from the GOP any more pretense of offering a different ideology or approach to governing. If they do, they'll be laughed off the stage for trying to throw granny off the cliff. And they'll loose power. We all know they'll try to avoid that.

K T Cat said...

This may be one of the best election analysis posts out there. Links and tweets on the way. In the meantime, in the post that will link to this one, I'd like to suggest something different for the future.

Doo Doo Econ said...

I warned long ago that the economy would not be the key to the election. Fraud seems to be the real issue.

K T Cat said...

I don't think it's fraud. We just haven't yet hit the wall that socialism always hits. How we react to that will be the real test.

SarahB said...

Pa-lease, everyone! A lousy four years and everyone thinks its the end of the world? No Progressive would be beat down like this. Be inspired by their evil and stamina...learn, adapt.

B-Daddy said...

Never give up, never surrender. Hispanics favored Obama by 40%, Asians supposedly by 3:1. There is no historical reason either such group shouldn't be conservative, but they falsely believe that conservatives are racists. Get those two groups to 50/50 and Obama loses in a landslide. His popular vote total was just over 50%; this was no landslide and no mandate.

Anonymous said...

B-Daddy, I think your going the right direction. Just need to convince the conservatives to do things different, think out of the box a little (or a lot) more. I heard someone recommend that they should try sponsering/starting charter schools. If done well, this could be one very excellent avenue to show the libs and the rest of America how it should be done. That's only one example though, need several more unconventional ways to address and erase the racism impression.

Inauguration Day

 Joe Biden right now listening to Trump talk about ending government censorship and the weaponization of justice: