
Rove / Plame

This OpinionJournal round-up amounts to a complete exoneration of Karl Rove.

But the DNC doesn't seem to get it. This e-mail comes from Executive Director Tom McMahon:

Dear W.C.:

So far, thousands upon thousands of you have told the White House that our national security has no place in partisan politics. Perhaps most impressive, the response has come from all walks of life.

It's not just Democrats who are outraged at Karl Rove revealing classified information as part of a partisan smear campaign -- and President Bush's failure to take action. Independents and Republicans have joined the chorus expressing outrage at this administration.

They join Republicans like former President Bush, who called those who leak classified information the "most insidious of traitors" and former Republican Party chairman Ed Gillespie, who agreed that this leak was "worse than Watergate."

I'd like to share some of the responses we've received from a few of these folks. Please read them below. And if you haven't yet added your name to the bipartisan call for the White House to come clean, do it now:


And please reach out to everyone you know -- regardless of their
political affiliation -- by forwarding this email. This issue is much bigger than politics, and the cover-up needs to stop. President Bush's credibility and our national security are on the line.

Tom McMahon
Executive Director
Democratic National Committee

UPDATE: Rove may not have outed a CIA agent, but John Kerry did.

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Nailed it

Twitter (X) : To be fair, though, I thought they'd come up with someone more appealing than Cackles Harris.