
Responsible = STUPID

The communist government of the United States of America is going to bailout many, many mortgages because that’s only fair. [ARTICLE] Of course there are some stipulations attached. For example:

"To qualify, borrowers would have to be at least three months behind on their home loans, and would need to owe 90 percent or more than the home is currently worth."

SO, if you were responsible and were paying off your mortgage, as a good citizen of a non-communist country would do, you might owe less than 90% of the mortgage so you wouldn’t qualify. You also are obviously a loser if you did that because you don’t qualify. Only those who got into financially irresponsible situations qualify, as they should in communist societies.

I mean take heartbreaking stories like this because this unlucky responsible citizen doesn’t get to take advantage of this great new plan:

"Indeed, Tuesday's announcement comes too late for Troy Courtney, a 44-year-old San Francisco police officer.

He moved out of his home in Mill Valley, Calif., at the start of this month -- taking his children, three dogs and one cat with him -- after failing at several to attempts to get a loan modification or a short sale -- where the lender agrees to receive less than the loan is worth.

Courtney worked overtime and tapped into his retirement account to try to catch up with two loans on his home. But in the end he couldn't convince Countrywide Financial, which managed the loan for Wells Fargo, to modify the loan.

"I feel like I missed the boat," he said of the new efforts to help more homeowners. "I'm just mad at the whole system.""

A police officer moved to Mill Valley and obviously for reasons beyond his control, like his inability to read his mortgage contract or budget his income, he lost his house. This poor, poor dear who we can assume got in on an ARM and wasn’t able to sell it or refinance like the realtor promised, deserves more than anyone to keep his house in rich Mill Valley. He symbolizes modern America. He's stupid and stupid bankers took a risk on him stupidly.

Our government represents the extreme rich and manipulates the stupid and the poor. Those in the middle - thanks for providing the financing.

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