
Tea Party saves America from bipartisan pork bill

The Tea Party a flash-in-the-pan? Hardly.

We don't just bring electoral landslides. We also ride herd on the dirty politicians all year round:
Senate Democrats abruptly pulled down an omnibus spending bill after senior Republicans – caught with their hands in the cookie jar — deserted the measure in an effort to square themselves with tea party activists and conservatives in the party.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the announcement and signaled he would substitute a short-term spending resolution for the much more detailed year-long $1.1 trillion plus measure which many in the GOP had been quietly rooting for just weeks ago.

Have you thanked your local Tea Partier lately?

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Nailed it

Twitter (X) : To be fair, though, I thought they'd come up with someone more appealing than Cackles Harris.