
"Oh, it's OK. I'm a libertarian."

I've found the most delightful response to do-gooder busybodies who want to lecture you on silly things like walking your dog without a leash or smoking on the beach.

As soon as they start in on their lecture, just say very politely and sincerely, "Oh, it's OK. I'm a libertarian," as if the laws simply don't apply to you. The look of complete dumbfoundedness combined with outrage on their faces is priceless.


B-Daddy said...

Awesome and very funny. Definitely want to try it out.

Jr Deputy Accountant said...

Love it.

I have to say, folks in DC are pretty cool about not bugging me like folks in California did. I can eat whatever I want, look however I want, say whatever I want and freely be hit on by sleazy black guys. It's like utopia! Utopia with lower taxes!

Nailed it

Twitter (X) : To be fair, though, I thought they'd come up with someone more appealing than Cackles Harris.