
Autism - vaccination link study is a hoax

Wow. The Lancet, a formerly respectable medical journal, was fooled when Dr. Andrew Wakefield doctored a study to invent a conclusion. Some people stopped vaccinating their kids, and kids died.

1 comment:

Panamint Joe said...

It's like the hoax perpetrated by Robert P. Liburdy, formerly of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, when he fabricated data to connect low-level electromagnetic fields (EMF) with cell damage. No matter that the hoax was exposed and Liburdy was canned -- people are still running around years later trying to regulate household electrical equipment for non-existent hazards. Hey, they should get more worked up about ordinary lightning, since new instrumentation has conclusively shown that lightning bolts produce bursts of x-rays. X-rays are energetic enough to produce genetic damage, unlike the 50-60 Hz stuff that comes from power transmission lines and the wiring in our houses.

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