
The wisdom of athletes

Q. Who is this guy? [Shows picture of Zimbabwe Ben]

A. Looks like a crook. He's just got that look about him, man. Like he's about to take everything you own.

At 00:45 of this video. HT: Sheff.


zeke said...

What a suckfest network. Recipe:

-Rip off Jay Leno quiz-the-average-guy bit.
-Make it way less funny.
-Talk for 2 minutes about how funny it was.

Sic Ibid said...

It'd be just as funny a segment with just as ignorant answers if that reporter went around the halls of Congress asking some basic questions about the Constitution and the Founders.

But we can't expect CNBC to ever do anything like that, can we?

Zeke said...

SI, your segment actually would be funny, because there's an expectation of knowledge there.

Here we have business reporters making fun of football players for not knowing business. Bunch of smug dweebs who need a punch in the mouth.

walmart man said...

So you have thousands, millions, billions, and lastly, trillions (up until year or two ago I never used the word "trillion" in any kind of financial analysis).

So what next? What comes after trillion?

Answer: all the way from Zimbabwe... mugabillion.

Negocios Loucos said...

CNBC making fun of football players understanding of finance is like a guy with one leg on crutches making fun of a guy in a wheel chair for how slow he runs the 100 meter dash.

Sic Ibid said...

Zeke and NL, I agree. It wasn't quite fair of CNBC. Fish in a Barrel. Congress would be much funnier. This one was amusing, but without any meaning. I don't expect them to know any of this stuff. They've dedicated their lives to practices, workouts, film review. So it's not more than "amusing" to me, and I didn't even chuckle in way that was laughing "at" them.

If it was Congress, I honestly think we'd get some of the exact same answers, maybe even verbatim.

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