
Own this sexy shirt

"He brought us hope...and left us change." This Varones-designed gem is a heavy-duty, 100% cotton shirt (Anvil 6.1 oz), available in blue or grey, sizes S-XXL.

$12 via PayPal, free shipping. We're not making money on this. We're spreading tea party love.

Orders and inquiries to oldzeke at gmail dot com.


Anonymous said...

Can you put that on a wife-beater style tee?

Stella!!!! Stella!!!! Stella!!!!

Anonymous said...

In addition to the snazzy slogan, the order form lets buyers customize the shirts with beer, motor oil and other stains.

SarahB said...

awesome design!!

Anvil Shirts said...

kool design!

"Democracy" may not be on the ballot, but freedom of speech certainly is

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