
What a wonderful world

Ron Paul is next in line to head subcommittee that oversees the Dirty Fed.

And he's going to work with Sen. Rand Paul on getting a real Audit the Fed bill passed!

I'm sure the dirty banksters are working frantically behind the scenes to bribe the Republican leadership to put somebody else in.

I wanna see Bernanke in handcuffs.


the darkcloud said...

WC -

Handcuffs? For starters, yeah.

A long sentence in a REAL prison to go along with that would be nice. Hell, life in prison for that matter - he could be Madoff's bitch.

If he was tried in China, maybe he would get the death penalty for his financial crimes.

Jr Deputy Accountant said...

He'll get his when he's roasting over a nice fire in Hell with Janet Yellen turning the spit.

Inauguration Day

 Joe Biden right now listening to Trump talk about ending government censorship and the weaponization of justice: