
TSA's Nude Scanners, Former Homeland Security Head Chertoff, and How Our Government Works

How our government works:
1) Get a position in the government.
2) Hype up some scare and advocate a solution to it
3) Sell/convince the government on your proposed solution, leave your government position, and partner up with the company that provides that same solution.
4) Sit back and enjoy your new money.

Michael Chertoff, while he was the Head of Homeland Security under Bush, advocated and pushed for installation and implementation of these new full-body scanners at our airports. Once he was out of "public service", Chertoff's consulting company (Read: Lobbying Company) landed as a client (Surprise!), Rapiscan, the company that makes the scanners. He is now a much richer person, I'm sure. There are multiple links to info about Chertoff and the scanner company. Below is a bit from rightpundits:
And finally, like most government scandals, follow the money. Guess which company owns a large manufacturer of backscatter x-ray devices? Give up? The Chertoff Group which is a security consulting agency run by former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. That’s right, in the wake of the Christmas Day bomber Chertoff has been pushing for more and more of these full body image scanners and it’s no wonder considering that this is going to put a large chunk of money in his pocket. Go figure!
And a bit from Boston.com
Since the attempted bombing of a US airliner on Christmas Day, former Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff has given dozens of media interviews touting the need for the federal government to buy more full-body scanners for airports.
What he has made little mention of is that the Chertoff Group, his security consulting agency, includes a client that manufactures the machines…
And what's this about a no-bid contract using money from the Stimulus Bill?
In the summer, TSA purchased 150 more machines from Rapiscan with $25 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds. Rapiscan was the only company that qualified for the contract because it had developed technology that performs the screening using a less-graphic body imaging system, which is also less controversial. (Since then, another company, L-3 Communications, has qualified for future contracts, but no new contracts have been awarded.)
It also turns out that none other than George Soros himself is profiting from the Nude Scanners. And the CEO of the company that owns Rapiscan, OSI, was "selected to accompany" President Obama on his trip to India last week (insert Nude Scanner Tech-Support outsourcing joke here).

HT: link 1 and link 2

Welcome Reddit readers! Please check out the latest TSA round-up from the San Diego Local Order of Bloggers (SLOBs).


Anonymous said...

government sanctioned child pornography!

Unfortunately, genital pat downs are not new. It has been done frequently for many years now. Ever see a curtain off area next to the security area. That's where it happens. My father who traveled internationally and domestically on business were frequently subject to genital pat downs. It was blood-boiling to hear how he was somehow "randomly chosen" again from his business trips. If you were wondering, my father is 100% Asian. (korean)

I never believed that the back scattering images can be secure. all it takes is a TSA agent with a cell phone camera. Or a eager person with a mirror and a zoom capable camcorder. How do you safe guard against that ?

I want to see members of congress and their families, all the TSA agents and their families get pat down and/or get their naked picture taken my the scanners. But I am naive to believe that they travel on via commercial airlines, huh ?

Speaking of children, do they pat down the children too? They Have to. what if a bomb is attached to a child? It is government sanctioned groping of children or production of child pornography. When every child in all the airports get genital patted down by grown men or women. Or get their naked picture taken. Of course, the parents will have to watch all this happening or face a $10,000 fine per refusal. This may sound extreme but think about it.

It is wrong when my father had to go through it all those years. And it is wrong now.

The Lazy Paperboy said...

Michael "Don't Blame Code Orange on Me, That Was Tom Ridge" Chertoff stayed in that job just long enough to work up this little racket, it seems.

As for the bits scanner, I've had it done, to some amusement. The way I look at it, better to stand on the yellow footprints and keep the junk-touching where it belongs.

Negocios Loucos said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
George said...

thats what they want....you to do body scanner. you are playing right along if you get scared off of the pat downs. its all manipulation. if you dont fight it, it will get worse.

Anonymous said...

Same thing is done through out history, a hand full of people creat the problem, screens for something to be done about come from the public, then those same douchebags that started the whole thing offer a perfectly good solution. How thoughtful of them.

Anonymous said...

cui bono? cui bono?

Anonymous said...

Just for kicks and to mess with their heads, any dude ever stuff a summer sausage down his pants prior to entering the scanner area? Sounds like a Mel Brooks joke.... the female TSA agent breaks into song.... oh sweet mystery of life I have found you....

Jr Deputy Accountant said...


My 81 year old Grandpa was joking about smuggling in a bologna. You know, just to see if they dare try to touch his bits.

indian sarees said...

Realy informative article... thanks for sharing...

Anonymous said...

I say make a show of it - go through the line doing a full on game of trouser pocket pool and beg them to touch your junk. Then be sure to act like it is enjoyable. Ask them if there is a place where you can go burn a Pall Mall afterward. Ask if they will promise to call you and ask if they will still respect you in the morning. Ask them to buy you dinner (or at least a drink if you are kind of skanky) before the pat down.

Negocios Loucos said...

Awesome idea. Actually I think I've got the answer, I'm going to wear a kilt and go commando then 20 minutes before entering the line I'll take a erectile dysfunction drug and be at attention when the inspection takes place. Is there a law against that?

Anonymous said...

I <3 that idea N.L. !!!! - that kind of thinking is what made this God damned nation great and that's the kind of thinking that will make us the envy of the world again. Hell no there ain't no stinking law against it. Suit up! (or kilt up!)

Anonymous said...

If you are a Michael Jackson impersonator you can volunteer to pat down your own junk for them.

Anonymous said...

Where the hell is Ron Jeremy when you need him?

Anonymous said...

Hedgehog in a kilt getting ready for some hot TSA action! Is it just me or am I seeing a porno movie plot line developing?

Anonymous said...

That's what is great about being 81 - you stop giving a shit about what other people think of you. I suspect that upon turning 81, you have seen so many people do so many stupid things over time that you start thinking "Why the hell should I care what some fool thinks of me or what I do - fuck 'em".

Matthew said...

As someone who works every day to secure information systems, I find the TSA's faith in the security of their nude imaging amusing.

No system is perfectly secure. Any audit that finds no vulnerabilities is false and a waste of money.

Anonymous said...

Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand. - Mark Twain

Anonymous said...

Jim Morrison on a T-shirt saying C'mon, c'mon, c'mon touch me babe (light my fire for all you young 'uns)

Anonymous said...

Deepak Chopra is the CEO of Rapdiscan.
His last book?
2010 Muhammad: A Story of the Last Prophet.
EF THESE GUYS-they need to go to JAIL NOW.

Anonymous said...

Same name, different guy.

David Kasprisin said...

Or maybe he realized it was a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Yup, nothing new here, they are all corrrupt as the day is long! Its the American way.


Anonymous said...

Rapiscan, not rapsican.

Anonymous said...

Vampires like this need a stake through the fucking heart!

ashok pai said...

its highly possible that the TSA will attract a large number of pedophiles, disguised, however!

Anonymous said...

very relevant to America today


Anonymous said...

I hope you don't mind, but I used your oh-so-clear directions in my email to the President.

"How our government works:
1) Get a position in the government.
2) Hype up some scare and advocate a solution to it
3) Sell/convince the government on your proposed solution, leave your government position, and partner up with the company that provides that same solution.
4) Sit back and enjoy your new money."

..and you expect us to believe that this security theater is for our own safety? You're a very funny man, Mr. President.

Anonymous said...

Reading comments like these is what makes getting up in the morning sooooo much less of a chore.
I particularly liked the fellow who suggested we act like it's a date, which has always been my take. Just handle the family jewels with care, boy....
Jeez, can you imagine the amount of psychic energy the agents must devote to expunging the memories of fondling a slew of us comedians? HAH!
Anyone catch Louis Blacks' comments on the Daily Show?
Holy smokes!! A trip cross-country AND a genital massage??? Wanna bet the airlines are angling for the massage revenues when it becomes an add-on travel option???
Too rich.....

Anonymous said...

psst...my work has a scanner...the default setting is to not save an image...but for ´training purposes´an image can be saved...usually (ok, always) of a hot chick, except for this one time of a guy with a HUGE, I mean strapped to his leg and almost touching his knee, (0(K...

Unknown said...

Soooo... if I may join the fray...

What if I were to have a 5 day diet of broccoli and garlic and soy milk and all the other things that make you gassy... Then I could wear an adult diaper (just in case, you know.) for when I go through security. And when the blue glove of love comes at me, I relax everything from tonsils to toenails and whatever happens during my government sanctioned 'Gate Rape', well, it's just meant to be.

Just sayin'.

Inauguration Day

 Joe Biden right now listening to Trump talk about ending government censorship and the weaponization of justice: