
Today in San Diego

Gas prices are up 16 cents -- 4%!!! -- in three days from what looked like a shocking price then.

Thank you, Zimbabwe Ben!

You people better learn to ride a bike pretty soon unless you get paid in silver.


Anonymous said...

Bought that stone and brick 1 1/2 story - nice neighbors and neighborhood. Getting the front porch tuck pointed and an outdoor fire place and grill put in the back patio this Spring. Nice young mason and his crew needing some work - One BIG consideration on where to buy - proximity to work. 6.7 miles to downtown and work AND NO RAT RACE in the morning/evening. It's very nice. I can pretty much drive whatever I want. Drawbacks? Sure, it IS Saint Louis City afterall and where our town is headed is anyone's guess BUT if more people would quit being chicken shits and live where they work, we wouldn't have so many major clusterfucks to deal with, would we? On nice days, I do ride my bike to work.

Anonymous said...

'tis a sweet ass ride AND economical!!!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does Qaddafi look like an aged former member of the Rolling Stones? You know, like he was there when the band formed but within a few months, the Glimmer Twins, Charlie, Bill and Bryan decided the fucker was just too weird - even for them - and so he was asked to leave. Dejected, down on his luck, he wandered to Lybia and well, one thing led to another.

Anonymous said...

I mean, looking at a photo of him today - nevermind, just a thought but he has that kind of ugly but so ugly he's cute sort of look, y'know? Scrubby little beard and cheesy mustache.

Anonymous said...

the funny little circular and brimless hat helps too

BUT, I like it most when he's wearing the full-on Michael Jackson style military uniform with the Banana Republic sunglasses - cute little sand native. Every little girl loves a man in uniform.

- Amber

Anonymous said...

aaaahhhh gotcha! you thought I was going to say something besides "sand N-A-T-I-V-E", didn't 'cha????

W.C. Varones said...


I thought you were going to say "sand nihilist." Qaddafi fancies himself quite the philosopher.

The Michael Jackson thing has to be intentional. I wonder if he likes little boys too.

Anonymous said...

I thought you were going to say "sand nihilist."

I liked that - you got me.

Anonymous said...

3.23 a gallon is the cheapest in St. Louis right now.

Question - let's say you had thirty three Liberty dimes in 'yo hot little hand and needed a gallon 'o Exxon's finest. But you also had four Bernanke Fun Bucks in your Kohl's department store wallet? Which do you use? Bonus question - have you personally affected the inflation rate in a small way by your method of payment? Lightening round question - you choose to use the Bernanke Fun Bucks AND the clerk gives you change in Liberty dimes...what has happened to the inflation rate????? Are you freaking out yet, Man???? Going to the Mardi Gras - have a good one.

Anonymous said...

let's get sideways!!!!!

wcv said...

If I found a gas station that gave change in Liberty dimes, I'd retire annd spend my days buying gas.

Anonymous said...

Let's prognosticate.. shall we? What sort of rocket ride would silver (and gold) take if a large oil exporter began requiring payment from some of their customers be made in silver and gold? Bonus question.... how far does that rocket ride go? Does it do a Neil Armstrong frickin' rock star from Mars rocket ride moonshot or do other factors come into play and it go like the Challenger?

Anonymous said...

Big traders are betting the ranch that oil prices will keep rising, testing the pain threshold of an economy that is not exactly setting records as is.

That will not be good news for most consumers, though it could help some big energy traders score big paydays, thank goodness. You would hate to see the talent fail to get its due

Wow, even CNN is getting into snarky comments.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that you never forget how to ride a bike?

You realize what this means, right? Dump your silver and invest here C'mon - we'll be like Levi Strauss and we'll "mine the forty-niners".

"Democracy" may not be on the ballot, but freedom of speech certainly is

This idiot was actually a high school teacher, indoctrinating kids with these Orwellian lies : Walz making an alarming and false claim: &quo...