
"It's like the 1930′s met the 1970′s and had a LOVE CHILD!"

... that's Temple of Mut's headline describing the current economic debacle.

And along with a diagnosis of our Hoover-meets-Carter economy, she's got a five point plan to get us out of it.
1. Cut marginal individual tax rates.

2. Cut corporate tax rates to a flat 20%.

3. No unions.

4. Pass the Reins Act [Congressional oversight of Regulators Gone Wild!!!].

5. Do away with all federal “jobs programs”.

All excellent points. I'd add a full repeal of ObamaCare, as the costly mandates therein are a great reason for companies NOT to hire any more U.S. workers when it's much cheaper to outsource, automate, or offshore.

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Nailed it

Twitter (X) : To be fair, though, I thought they'd come up with someone more appealing than Cackles Harris.