
GD II update

Truly horrible economic data this morning, extending and worsening the string of bad data we've had the last few weeks.
* May Nonfarm Payrolls 54K vs 169K consensus; prior revised to 232K from 244K

* May Nonfarm Private Payroll 83K vs 180K consensus

* March Nonfarm payrolls revised to 194K from 235K

* May Average Workweek 33.6 vs 34.3 consensus

Fascism's not working, folks. We're only digging ourselves deeper into debt making the future pain worse, and even that's not making anything any better today.


Negocios Loucos said...

Dude you are way off! Just today I heard on the radio that at Mancini's Sleep World you can get a FREE HDTV with a purchase of a mattress. You also get something like 10 years interest free financing! My friend as long as I can watch American Idol in the comfort of my new bed on my new TV, I'm fine. I mean eating? Just add a little Tabasco to the iPad and it tastes delicious.

SarahB said...

NL, I raise you one. I earned $20 in 'points' @ Ulta to buy $48 of product on sale for about $20 and paid about $6 by the end. I earned the $20 on a $150 hair dryer on sale for $89 plus a 20% coupon. If that ain't deflation in the making, I don't know what is! (boys, I don't expect any of you to follow any ULTA talk or appreciate how important a low EMF hair dryer is for society in general).

SurvivalAndProsperity.com said...

Apparently it's full steam ahead for this White House regarding more homeowner bailouts. Caught the following on CNBC.com yesterday...

"The Obama administration wants to help more struggling Americans stay in their homes by reducing the amount they owe on their troubled mortgages, a top Treasury official said Saturday

"Delinquent Homeowners to Get Mortgage Aid from Government"

Negocios Loucos said...

SandP, I rent and realize the government hates me. The United States of America hates the financially responsible. I have zero debt, NO DEBT OWED TO ANYONE, and that apparently makes me an enemy of the state.

SarahB, actually my wife has made me acutely aware of the hair drying product signifigance. She has curly hair and bought a 'diffuser', which I only thought existed on the back end of a Formula 1 racing car, and apparently it makes a world of difference. She's happier and in turn I'm happier.

Nailed it

Twitter (X) : To be fair, though, I thought they'd come up with someone more appealing than Cackles Harris.