
Join S.I.'s 1st Orwellian Acronym Challenge

In the UK, the health-care-rationing agency that makes decisions on what medical procedures individual citizens can have, is actually called "N.I.C.E.", which stands for National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Oh, how nice! Isn't it charming how nicely the UK government denies hip-replacement procedures, and mastectomies?

In this week-long absence of our "fishy" leader (WC), and in the same Orwellian spirit as NICE, I propose we submit our own original acronyms for Obama-care in the comments section for this entry. I will begin the Challenge with my own suggestion:


The People's Righteous Entity for Tyrannical Theft of Years

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"Democracy" may not be on the ballot, but freedom of speech certainly is

This idiot was actually a high school teacher, indoctrinating kids with these Orwellian lies : Walz making an alarming and false claim: &quo...