
CNN Bimbos Schooled on Libya

ZH posted this and it deserves posting here as well. CNN's soccer moms were thrown into a shark tank by their producers. Behold:

I'd like to thank the producers at CNN for their obvious understanding of improvisational humor. That was a perfect setup and the execution did not disappoint.

DISCLAIMER - I LOVE SOCCER MOMS, I married one, well, she wasn't a soccer mom when we..anyway, some soccer moms don't exactly know all there is to know about foreign politics, budget deficits and the Constitution, in general. But, to their credit, I'm sure percentage-wise soccer moms blow Congress away on that count. I'm just saying that these 2 CNN bimbos project the stereotype of soccer moms in that unflattering way. You know, the type that thinks Regis and Kelly is a major news outlet. Or CNN for that matter..... And most soccer moms are smart enough not to get into debates on subjects about which they know nothing with experts in said subjects.


ProfoundSkeptic said...

'The Next Decade' by George Friedman does a good job laying out where US interests really lie in the near future and certainly does not include Libya where, if we really want him out, we are going to have to put troops on the ground.

Anonymous said...

For a deeper understanding of what is happening to the culture on a broad scale, I suggest Adam Carrola's "In 50 Years, We'll All Be Chicks". Old timers are rapidly being replaced with mush mouthed metrosexuals. When many of today's modern, metropolitan skirts happen to run into a straight shooter, they get huffy. Poor little darlings. Pretty to watch...

Anonymous said...

key phrase

both parties LOVE to intervene in other people's business

where in the world would we be without all these wonderful fucking do-gooder's?

Anonymous said...

financial ability and physical ability to prosecute wars (on drugs, poverty, Red Coats, Koreans, Germans, terror, obesity, etc.) are NOT separate issues. God, how fucking dumb must one BE to get a job at CNN?

They are not separate issues, dummy...just ask George Washington about the Whiskey Rebellion....oh wait....that's ancient history and he's dead as are all the rebels....what could we possibly learn from a review of THAT crap? THIS time, it IS different - fucking morons.

The Political Palaver said...

Watching these two ignorant gals get owned is a thing of beauty. I love how they hit nearly every talking point the administration has given: Gaddafi's a brutal dictator, his people don't like him and want democracy, this a NATO and not US-led effort, we can afford it b/c we have deficits but not bankrupt, etc, etc.

He did a great job. He admitted that Westernized sects are represented in the MidEast, but that their influence is not enough to take hold. I once heard a saying something to the effect of "unbridled democracy can be like two wolves and a lamb deciding what is for dinner." The brutal fundamenalist factions in the MidEast are the wolves, and the peaceful progressive lambs there don't stand a chance. It is values that are important, not democracy. And that's where ignorant Westerners like these two ladies completely shuffle reality from their mindset: they assume that Western values are also the dominant mindset of Arab and Islamic countries and that a few bad apples are spoiling the barrel. But that's just a wild fantasy.

Negocios Loucos said...

Well put TPP

Inauguration Day

 Joe Biden right now listening to Trump talk about ending government censorship and the weaponization of justice: