
Your Black Muslim Child-Molesting Store-Vandalizing Journalist-Murdering Bakery

Your Black Muslim Bakery, a long-time Bay Area institution, is now connected to the murder of a journalist who was investigating the bakery:
When police raided Your Black Muslim Bakery and three homes, and arrested seven people Friday on suspected involvement in three homicides, including Thursday's slaying of Oakland Post Editor Chauncey Bailey, it was the latest chapter in a history of violence and arrests that have been linked to the longtime Oakland group. ...

Your Black Muslim Bakery - well-known in the Bay Area for its peach pies, carrot cakes and ginger-snap cookies - was founded in 1968 by Yusuf Bey, who was arrested in 2002 and charged with forcing an underage girl to have sex in the mid-1970s. At the time of his death from cancer in 2003, Bey was facing trial in that case and allegations from other women who said Bey had abused them for years when they were girls.

Since Bey's death, his successors at the bakery have been charged with a series of crimes. In 2005, a group of men from Your Black Muslim Bakery, including Yusuf Bey IV, a son of the founder, was arrested on suspicion of vandalizing two Oakland liquor stores and threatening the owners for selling alcohol to African Americans. In 2006, the younger Bey, who by then had become a leader of Your Black Muslim Bakery, was arrested and accused of running over a bouncer with his car in San Francisco.

I never went in there. The place always seemed to have an angry vibe. But I was more worried about the old loogie-in-the-pastrie trick than murder.

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