
Cops kill grandmother for not complying with census



Anonymous said...

When you post misleading titles to articles it completely destroys your credibility! It shows you're being like a politician attempting to distort information for political purposes. You're getting lazy now, distorting headlines and posing a link instead of an article whoever you are.

The lady pointed a shot gun at the census worker. You still could have showed how wrong it was for the worker to call the police since it's the lady's right to defend her property from trespassers. Instead you were lazy, opting to make it appear the lady was killed for not answering questions.

You make me sick A-hole! Stop bending facts to suit your agenda prick!

ProfoundSkeptic said...

"You still could have showed how wrong it was for the worker to call the police since it's the lady's right to defend her property from trespassers."

Do we really live in a country where it is OK to brandish a firearm to anyone knocking on the door? We live in a country where there is freedom to own firearms but there is also a responsibility - you can't point a gun at law enforcement without consequences.

QE has permanently ruined bonds for investors

You used to earn an interest rate roughly inline with nominal GDP growth, even slightly better. Since the Fed started manipulating interest...