
Happy Anniversary, Jr. Deputy Accountant!

It was one year ago today that the Jr. Deputy Accountant blog was born with this tentative post.

Dozens, if not hundreds, of blogs were similarly born that day. How could we have have known that the nemesis of the Fed would rise from such humble beginnings? JDA's next posts were longish, personal, and well-written, but didn't contain a hint of the Van Helsing who would take on a single-minded quest to attack and expose the bloodthirsty vampires of the Federal Reserve. Perhaps she felt the calling at last year's End the Fed, because since that post, she's never looked back. She's expanded her hunt to the rest of the vampires in the Fed's clan, chief among them being Goldman Sachs and the U.S. Treasury (in that order, obviously).

Congratulations to Jr. Deputy Accountant on a hell of a rookie year, and we expect more great things in the years to come!

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