
Unprecedented move! White House BANS Fox News from Press Corps!

This incredible move, which should remove any doubt that we are all now subjects of a regime that meets the dictionary's definition of fascism, was summarized quite well at this blog (and below). The rest of the networks rightfully protested, saying they'd all leave if Fox was not allowed to stay in the pool. That's shocking to me, but I'm glad it happened.

Today the White House stepped up its attack on Fox News, announcing that the network would no longer be able to conduct interviews with officials as a member of the Press Pool. The Pool is a five-member group consisting of ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox News and NBC organized by the White House Correspondents Association. Its membership is not subject to oversight by the government.

Before an interview with "Pay Czar" Kenneth Feinberg, the administration announced that Fox News would be banned from the press pool. This marks the first time in history that an administration had attempted to ban an entire network from the press pool.

To their credit, the other networks objected. They told the White House that if Fox were banned, none of the other networks would participate. The White House relented, but in an apparent act of petulant retaliation, it restricted each network to a two-minute interview instead of the standard five.

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Inauguration Day

 Joe Biden right now listening to Trump talk about ending government censorship and the weaponization of justice: