
What we're fighting for

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Benito said...

The Republicans are so funny, when the economy is good you say let’s all celebrate “Cinco de Mayo, my brothers” but when the economy is down “it’s all your fault, you damn immigrant”. When most Americans (with Latin America roots) go to the polls this November we will remember that the GOP has gone on a nationwide rant in proposing and passing several anti-immigration legislation (that our US Courts continue to strike down) and have continue to blame the immigrant for the flat economy or worse. We will remember who stands with us and who stands against us, so trying to stop it now is somewhat funny, but go ahead, you will not change our minds. Plus the more radical of the GOP are now attacking our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, in a misguided attempt to garner some much needed votes, they really are fools, and leading the GOP towards obscurity because they are no longer a party of ideas, just of empty suits. Your hate made you do it, in November; you will reap what you have sown. I wonder what Abraham Lincoln would say about todays GOP, he unlike the current GOP was a man of ideas.

bizjetmech said...

WOW Benito, what have YOU been smok'in?
I Don't know any conservative that says "damn immigrant". maybe damn ILLEGAL, but certainly not immigrant.
And attacking the Constitution and Bill of Rights? An example please...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, this Teabagger takes the free cheese when he sees it. I was buying a house anyway and Barry O was handing out $8,000 checks. You'd have to be stupid to decline.

W.C. Varones said...

I find utterly unconvincing and a complete non-sequitur the argument that being opposed to big government and runaway spending means that one should not take advantage of all tax credits and deductions to which one is entitled, or indeed, minimize one's tax liabilities to the full extent legal.

Anonymous said...

well how's about we have a sing along then??? Maybe then you'll get my point. Be sure to check out that date.

Anonymous said...

Allow me a probing question or two...?

What percentage down did you make on the new digs?

Did you use FHA financing?

Was the tax credit part of your down payment?

How long in advance had you been planning to buy a house prior to the announcement of the tax credit?

Please stop using the big words, WC... you are confusing me.

Anonymous said...

anytime people start using the "lawyer language" I start getting a little skeptical.

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm done being a dick. Guess what?!? I'm going to go look at a little brick house with a fenced in yard in a town that doesn't get much sales activity within 18 miles of work in an area I like - tomorrow!!!!! It just became available three days ago as the old codger who has lived there since the 1960's has decided to put it up for sale and head to Delmar Gardens Retirement Community to work on his shuffleboard and dirt napping skills! Goody for me!

W.C. Varones said...

Basically, you should act in your own economic interest whether you're a libertarian or a leftist. Nobody should pay more taxes than they owe.

I didn't go FHA for other reasons, but I did advocate it. If the government is going to give away free walkaway options, rational people will take advantage of that. I put 20% down, and the tax credit was not part of the down payment.

Fix the government policy; don't blame individuals for responding rationally to incentives.

I hope you do get that brick house at a reasonable price. Houses should be a pretty good hedge against the dollar collapse that's coming.

And please don't stop being a dick. This place wouldn't be as much fun.

Anonymous said...

"And please don't stop being a dick"

We both know that I really could not, even if I tried.

To use a Popeye the Sailor Man quote, "I yam what I yam and that's all what's I yam."

Anonymous said...

made the offer El Cheapo may or not have landed, let's see what the old codger's relatives come back with. Not related - JDA's post about GM and being a dick -

Ditched the Jeep and went back to a pick 'em up truck. Partial to Chevy. Had a Cheyenne 5 speed for years that was great. Anyhoo, now we're in a Silverado. GM no longer makes a manual tranny pick 'em up truck. Sheesh, first truck I ever drove had 3 on the Tree and only the really affluent red necks could get an automatic... Anyhoo, never guess what the new driver information feature is called??? Wanna guess??? OK it is the


wait for it.....

Driver Information Center a.k.a.

D.I.C. it's no wonder I love my new GM product so much!!!!!

Ohhh, if I had a dollar for every goat I fucked...

I would be willing to give up my lovely truck....

QE has permanently ruined bonds for investors

You used to earn an interest rate roughly inline with nominal GDP growth, even slightly better. Since the Fed started manipulating interest...