
Orange County Tea Party pics - Laguna Hills, 2/13/10

Let me lead off with a video of Mason Weaver. He was one of the highlights along with Chuck DeVore and Damon Dunn.

It was a full ballroom.

The Campaign for Liberty and other libertarian-types were there, and co-existed peacefully with old-school OC religious conservatives.

My peeps!

This Arizona ACORN guy and his friend loitered around the ballroom doors with their cameras looking for racists and Nazis. They didn't find any; just a bunch of friendly folk who've had enough of bailouts, borrowing, and spending.

Seated at the table is Mason Weaver, San Diego Congressional candidate and original Tea Partier.

This is Damon Dunn, an awesome speaker and a true small-government conservative running for Secretary of State.

Dr. Obama Joker checks his rationing list.

This is Chuck DeVore, the only fiscal conservative in the Senate race and the only candidate who respects the Tea Party movement.

San Diego's own Tea Party founder Dawn Wildman gave a great speech as well, though my pics and vid didn't come out.

Also fun was a comedy bit by Evan Sayet, who I got to chat with a little after.

Steve Poizner was scheduled to speak later, but I didn't stick around for him. Poizner was for tax hikes before he was against them, and is even more of a Demon Sheep than Tom Campbell. What's more, he strangled the Part-Time Legislature and Unplug the Machine initiatives in their crib by refusing to fund them from his multi-million-dollar personal fortune.

As I pulled out of the hotel parking lot, the Grateful Dead's Liberty played on XM Sirius.

Saw a bird with a tear in his eye
Walking to New Orleans my oh my
Hey, now, Bird, wouldn't you rather die
Than walk this world when you're born to fly?

If I was the sun, I'd look for shade
If I was a bed, I would stay unmade
If I was a river I'd run uphill
If you call me you know I will
If you call me you know I will

Ooo, freedom
Ooo, liberty
Ooo, leave me alone
To find my own way home
To find my own way home

Say what I mean and I don't give a damn
I do believe and I am who I am
Hey now Mama come and take my hand
Whole lotta shakin' all over this land

If I was an eagle I'd dress like a duck
Crawl like a lizard and honk like a truck
If I get a notion I'll climb this tree
or chop it down and you can't stop me
Chop it down and you can't stop me

Ooo, freedom
Ooo, liberty
Ooo, leave me alone
To find my own way home
To find my own way home

Went to the well but the water was dry
Dipped my bucket in the clear blue sky
Looked in the bottom and what did I see?
The whole damned world looking back at me

If I was a bottle I'd spill for love
Sake of mercy I'd kill for love
If I was a liar I'd lie for love
Sake of my baby I'd die for love
Sake of my baby I'd die for love

Ooo, freedom
Ooo, liberty
Ooo, leave me alone
To find my own way home
To find my own way home
I'm gonna find my own way home


SarahB said...

Thank you for the fantastic coverage! And I'm sorry I couldn't be there. Spent the day at the ER with sick hubby. Sharing this link!

MJ said...

WC, I was there! I don't know what you look like or I would have greeted you with the angry taxpayer chant, "heads on a stick"

I scanned all the phots, Im not in them.

Dean said...


QE has permanently ruined bonds for investors

You used to earn an interest rate roughly inline with nominal GDP growth, even slightly better. Since the Fed started manipulating interest...