
Obama meets with this man more often than anyone else.

Anyone here planning on seeing the new movie made by the SEIU? It's called "Labor Day: Winning is the only option."

Or would you rather just watch this "movie" below featuring Andy Stern, the head of the SEIU, in his own words? Would you be more interested if you found out that Andy Stern visits the White House more frequently than anyone else? In this video, he says,

"'Worker of the world unite'? It's not just a slogan anymore. It's the way we're gonna have to do our work."

He also says, "We're trying to use the power of persuasion. And if that doesn't work, we're going to use the persuasion of power."

That one was pretty good. But is this a better SEIU movie? Ooh, doesn't he look angry? All good Communists are, I guess.

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