
Wall Street Journal: Obama is tossing off

Today's WSJ:
Did someone move the 2012 election to June 1? We ask because President Obama's extraordinary response to Paul Ryan's budget yesterday—with its blistering partisanship and multiple distortions—was the kind Presidents usually outsource to some junior lieutenant. Mr. Obama's fundamentally political document would have been unusual even for a Vice President in the fervor of a campaign.

The immediate political goal was to inoculate the White House from criticism that it is not serious about the fiscal crisis, after ignoring its own deficit commission last year and tossing off a $3.73 trillion budget in February that increased spending amid a record deficit of $1.65 trillion.

And even moderates are giving scathing reviews of Obama's "plan."

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Inauguration Day

 Joe Biden right now listening to Trump talk about ending government censorship and the weaponization of justice: