The body of a Santa Clarita woman who disappeared last week has been found in the Angeles National Forest.
Investigators confirmed Friday that the body was that of 59-year-old Renata Klein. Her husband, Dusan Klein, also 59, was still missing, along with their 10-year-old black-and-white cocker spaniel, Cindy.
The Kleins lived at 28119 Wildwind Road, Canyon Country. Their modest suburban condo, now worth $300,000, was "worth" more than $500,000 in Greenspan's bubble. What do you want to bet Dusan and Renata fell for the seductive lure of the Home ATM and got in over their heads in debt?
UPDATE: Can I call it or what? Laren said investigators have since learned the couple’s home in the 28100 block of Wildwind Road was in foreclosure. Of course, Dusan is "not a suspect" in the legal sense that police usually say the person is "not a suspect" until they have him in custody.
Both were missing for over a week, Renata's body was just found, and detectives believe it was a body dump. What the hell is wrong with you?
Have some respect for the deceased instead of trying to push your agenda!
No disrespect intended.
But I've been tracking the serial killer Alan Greenspan for years, and this case matches his M.O.
I've got a strong suspicion Dusan did it, and financial troubles caused by Greenspan's bubble and crash drove him to such a desperate act.
You are scum, and have lost a reader.
Having a strong suspicion, based on a single line of thought, does not a case make.
Have you met with this couple before? Been to their house? Discussed their financial and marital situation with them? No? Great job, detective.
Your argument makes no sense - you seem to imply that he has an insurance policy out on his wife, in which case that would be the most suspect action he could take in a position of financial difficulty. If you think he did it as an act of madness, then I am certain there are other, more important factors at play that such an act could be attributed to.
This is not Hollywood, but real life. Real people who have lost their lives should not be the unwilling subjects of your tripe.
Detectives are saying he is not a suspect.
I'm sorry that you're offended.
I'm not implying that he took out an insurance policy. Most of the cases on Greenspan's Body Count are people who were driven to despair by Greenspan's bubble and crash, not people who killed for financial gain. Click over and read some of the stories.
Perhaps you're right and this is some freak stranger abduction/murder. We shall see.
I would say the husban killed her and took the dog to mislead the cops.younger girl,ins.?don't know.but look at his picture.he looks like a killer.
they just caught the husband and booked him for the murder.
was a few hours ago...didn't hit the news as of yet,by the morninng it will be on the news or later tonight..told you so
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