
Mish, Schiff and Spleef

Mish completely destroys Schiff for some of the predictions he's made. I still think time will tell but Mish makes some excellent points. To be fair, Schiff broke into the mainstream media and was the only one sounding the warning bells. He might not have hit all the nails on the head but he did stand up to CNBCs idiot panels and predict reality as opposed to their fantasy. I have posted a couple of videos involving Schiff here and here that I feel deserve consideration.

Fine, Mish is attacking one of those that actually was spreading the message. Well Mr. Shedlock, what do you have to say to this guy? He might be more right on than you or Schiff!

* Warning contains material inappropriate for children and the weak minded.

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Inauguration Day

 Joe Biden right now listening to Trump talk about ending government censorship and the weaponization of justice: