
I fought the law and I won

Smuggling wrapped Christmas presents through TSA.

Good thing Mrs. V didn't ask for C-4 this year!


reddog said...

I always stuff my luggage with as many gels and liquids as I can, just on principle. I also try to have some matches and a throwaway butane lighter or two on my person. C-4? I'm going to have to start adding a block of Playdough or two to my travel kit.

A friend always wears his hard plastic, belt buckle dagger when flying. I'm only a troublemaker and not that brave. Still, I admire his guts, if not his intelligence.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately you still carry your fists of steel and justice.

Inauguration Day

 Joe Biden right now listening to Trump talk about ending government censorship and the weaponization of justice: