
Perhaps it's your f---ing attitude

Anybody interested in hiring this guy?


Sic Ibid said...

What does "must of" mean? At first I thought I "must have" misread that. But upon 2nd reading, I realized A) I hadn't, and B) maybe all of his interviews are via email or text/chat online. If so, then it's obvious why he's not been hired. Best of luck to him, though.

W.C. Varones said...

I think it's his chosen field. It's a lot easier for women to break into that line of work.

Jr Deputy Accountant said...

I'm with WCV, aren't there plenty of "f^%&ing jobs" in the Las Vegas area? Maybe not f&^*ing specifically, more like half-and-half or maybe just a Binaca Blast but hey, in this economy you can't be picky...

FrackWit said...

A little old, but still probably valid. Didn't work the same for guys as much until recently...


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Turbo-Tax Timmy and the HONORABLE Harry Reid have a crackerjack jobs bill in the works that should rain jobs like manna from heaven.


John Enright said...


QE has permanently ruined bonds for investors

You used to earn an interest rate roughly inline with nominal GDP growth, even slightly better. Since the Fed started manipulating interest...