
Perhaps it's your f---ing attitude

Anybody interested in hiring this guy?


Sic Ibid said...

What does "must of" mean? At first I thought I "must have" misread that. But upon 2nd reading, I realized A) I hadn't, and B) maybe all of his interviews are via email or text/chat online. If so, then it's obvious why he's not been hired. Best of luck to him, though.

W.C. Varones said...

I think it's his chosen field. It's a lot easier for women to break into that line of work.

Jr Deputy Accountant said...

I'm with WCV, aren't there plenty of "f^%&ing jobs" in the Las Vegas area? Maybe not f&^*ing specifically, more like half-and-half or maybe just a Binaca Blast but hey, in this economy you can't be picky...

FrackWit said...

A little old, but still probably valid. Didn't work the same for guys as much until recently...


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Turbo-Tax Timmy and the HONORABLE Harry Reid have a crackerjack jobs bill in the works that should rain jobs like manna from heaven.


John Enright said...


Nailed it

Twitter (X) : To be fair, though, I thought they'd come up with someone more appealing than Cackles Harris.