
Girls gone wild!!! Cops pepper spray and arrest drunken revelers at late-night bash for Francine Busby

Francine Busby is the perennial challenger to Congressman Brian Bilbray in California's 50th Congressional District. Her 2006 campaign blew up when she publicly encouraged illegal aliens to campaign, if not vote, for her. Her 2010 campaign is off to a rip-roaring start:
A fundraiser for Francine Busby, who is running for Congress, ended in chaos Friday night when sheriff's deputies responded to a noise complaint, pepper-sprayed some of the guests and arrested the party's hostess.

Shari Barman, 60, was booked into the Vista Detention Facility on suspicion of obstructing a peace officer and battery on a peace officer. She has since been released. A court appearance has been set for Aug. 11 in Vista Superior Court.


Deputies first went to the Cardiff home on Rubenstein Avenue at 9 p.m. to issue a warning after a neighbor called and complained about the loud party, sheriff's Sgt. Chuck Yancey said.

He said deputies returned later when the party hadn't quieted down, and one deputy asked for Barman's date of birth so he could file paperwork alerting the city to the noise complaints.

Sheriff's officials said Barman refused to give the deputy the information, and that's when things got out of control. A crowd of about 30 to 50 partygoers surrounded Barman when he tried to arrest her, and they were able to separate her from the deputy, Yancey said.

Pepper spray was dispersed on the crowd, and the deputies were able to reach her again. At one point, a person refused to let go of Barman's leg so the deputy could take her away. Barman also allegedly punched the deputy, Yancey said.

I have got to get an invitation to Busby's next event. UPDATE: Police report here (not authenticated, but I have no reason to doubt it and the facts align with what the U-T later printed).

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