
Gee, I wonder what the AP's position on ObamaCare is

From a news story on Obama campaigning for Coakley to save ObamaCare:
The United States is the only major developed nation that does not have a comprehensive national health care plan for its citizens. About 50 million Americans are without health insurance. With unemployment rising, many Americans are losing health insurance when they lose jobs because employers provide health care plans.

The United States is also the only major developed country where the President cut a backroom deal with Big Pharma to force Americans to pay higher drug prices than any other people in the world.

The United States is also the only major developed country where the President cut a backroom deal with trial lawyers to prevent any limitation of medical malpractice lawsuits.

The United States is also the only major developed country where non-union employees face a big new tax on their health care benefits, while union members would be exempt.

The United States is also the only major developed country where a one-party government is trying to ram through a massive nationalization of an entire sector of the economy over overwhelming public opposition.

Funny how the AP saw fit to include only one of these facts in its "news" story.


ubu roi said...

Tell it, WC, AP writes one paragraph and every line is tendentious bullshit, rehashed cliches, misleading (and erroneous) statistics, and political grandstanding. Just what I've come to expect from the MSM over the years. What's worse than socialism? Socialism and corporatism fused together with hippie daydreams.

Negocios Loucos said...

Ubu, the horror.....the horror.

reddog said...

If health care legislation doesn't pass it's going to be because of abortion bullshit, not any great public outcry for fiscal austerity.

Nobody cares how much it will cost.

America is already socialist and broke, people are too stupid or lazy to have figured it out yet. When the entitlement checks start bouncing, they will start to notice.

Sic Ibid said...

I agree with reddog. But when those checks start to bounce, the people receiving them will only default to their natural position anyway, which is to demand more government services and government-run solutions.

B-Daddy said...

Thanks for bringing the thunder so often and giving us all a little extra ammo to fire back against the statist corporatist, may I say fascist, b.s. that is the daily barrage from the MSM. Immensely enjoy your column, even when I don't agree.

Inauguration Day

 Joe Biden right now listening to Trump talk about ending government censorship and the weaponization of justice: