
"Good grammar gives some indication of intelligence, and a sure indication of uptightness."
-Charlie McDanger's page-a-day calendar


W.C. Varones said...

I loves me some irony.

Anonymous said...

uh-huh. and poor grammar gives an equally significant indication of intelligence. actually, though, i find it quite useful when evaluating someone i've just met: close observation of that person's grammar; tattoo count; and 'does-he-wear-a-ballcap-backwards' are invaluable clues as to the seriousness/IQ of the individual.

like the comedian who wants stupid people to wear a sign. grammar/tats/hats will tell you all you need to know at a glance.

i loves me some dumbass indicators.

QE has permanently ruined bonds for investors

You used to earn an interest rate roughly inline with nominal GDP growth, even slightly better. Since the Fed started manipulating interest...